Many of you know that my dad passed away a couple of months ago. Since then, life has been a blur. And, I’m not talking about a little blur. I’m talking about a Texas-size, humongous blur! Planning for Dad’s funeral, moving all of his belongings to our garage, conducting an estate sale, beginning the process to put our home on the market so that we can move to Florida (decluttering, initial packing, staging), working with multiple showings (having the house immaculate, leaving and being gone for the showings), negotiation with the potential buyer (going on today), traveling to Florida to locate a house (this happens next week), finding a moving company,… Should I go on? I’m exhausted as I write about all of this.

Amongst all of the busyness, it dawned upon me last week that this is the time of the year when Pastors and churches are planning for the upcoming year. In this blur, I haven’t reached out to those making the decisions for 2022. Hence, this blog post.

Here are two things for you to consider for this next year.

  • Holy Spirit Rally. Can you imagine seeing what you’ve read about in the Book of Acts actually happen in your church? I am convinced that it is definitely on God’s calendar for 2022. There has never been a day when this ministry has been more needed than today. Churches are filled with Jesus-loving believers who have never been baptized in God’s precious Holy Spirit. A rally might be just a Sunday morning or a Sunday morning and evening or even multiple days of preaching/teaching about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. 
  • Ignite & Unite Conference. This is a conference to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit and unite the vision of those who minister in your nursery, children’s/youth, mid-week bible club, and outreach ministries. Needed? YES! In a time when these ministries have a download, copy, paste, distribute the lesson and then move on to the next curriculum mindset, the Holy Spirit wants to break through limitations and be the Book of Acts voice, action, and power to today’s generation. Can you imagine what can happen when your leaders and workers learn how to work together with the Holy Spirit? This three-hour, four-session Saturday morning conference will revolutionize these ministries. GUARANTEED! Many churches have coupled this together with a Sunday Holy Spirit Rally

While I recognize that many of this blog’s readers aren’t pastors or serve on a pastoral staff, you can be a tremendous blessing to your church by passing along this information to those in leadership. I mean this with all sincerity. No church is too big or too small. Denominational restraints aren’t a factor. Vickie and I passionately want to be a door opener for the Holy Spirit in your church and ministry. I firmly believe that 2022 will be a year of great outpourings of God’s Spirit. Let’s make that a reality in your church.

Interested? You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 561.827.9325.