Humble? Humble in Texas? I know that for some readers, implying that anything in Texas could be humble automatically removes my credibility. But, it’s true. To put your mind at ease, the humble in this post refers to the origin of the city, Humble Oil Company, and not its citizens’ personalities.
With your mind now at ease and my integrity reinstated, here is another testimony telling of God’s Spirit flowing through power-packed children.
The place: A kid’s camp located just outside of Humble, Texas (about 20 miles northeast of Houston, Texas)
The background for the testimony: Each summer, a large Houston church bussed several hundred elementary-aged children to their private campground.
God’s power released through boys and girls: This week of camp is one that I will never forget. Like the many other camps that Vickie and I ministered in as Camp Evangelists, it was five memory-making, fun-filled, energy-draining days that greatly impacted both its campers and those parents and children’s ministry volunteers that staffed the camp. But, this camp was unique in its approach to altar ministry. Instead of ministering in the evening services and then asking the children responding to the ministry to come forward to the altar area, the camp director asked us to minister as God would direct and then instruct the dorm/group counselors to gather their campers, find a location in the auditorium, sit their kids in a circle, and then allow the Holy Spirit to minister in and through the campers to each other. No further directions were to be shared from the platform by us as the evangelists. The time of cementing what God wanted to do during the altar time was to be Holy Spirit to kids, Holy Spirit through kids.
Get ready to be excited. On Tuesday night, Vickie and I completed our part of ministry and turned the service over to the camp dorm/group counselors to begin the altar ministry amongst their individual groups. Again, get ready to be excited. Within minutes, there was a whole lot of commotion and excitement coming from one of the groups. I soon learned that God’s power had been put on display. In this group, the children began to lay hands upon and pray for one of their leaders, a man who had a lazy eye. Ready for this? As God’s power flowed through the children, every lazy eye symptom immediately disappeared and brought forth the restoration of perfect eyesight. The campers did, God did, and the counselor did. He was made perfectly whole. Needless to say, that service broke out into a Texas-size time of rejoicing. Glory be to God!
Takeaway: The power of God that flowed through the hands of the apostles (Acts 5:12) can and should be flowing through the hands of EVERY Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, Holy Spirit power-packed boy and girl.
While I loved sharing “It Happened in Lake Wales, Florida!”, “It Happened in Lake Worth, Florida!”, “It Happened in Chattanooga, Tennessee!”, and then this post “It Happened in Humble, Texas!”, I have purposefully saved the best post in this series for last. I guarantee that the next post “It Happened in @@@@, @@@@!” will bring it all together and…I’ll leave it at that. It will be supernatural.