For the last two days, I have felt such a strong prompting to share this post. Whether I am writing for one person or a host of people, I am clueless. It might be for you personally or a dear friend or family member. But, the unction is undeniable and inescapable.
Consider this scripture.
“He sent his word, and healed them,
and delivered them from their destructions.”
Psalm 107:20
I know that in all probability, this scripture is familiar to many. And, with that in mind, it would be easy to glance at the verse and dismiss this post. After all, you know it already don’t you? Strange as this might seem, the urging of the Holy Spirit is to tell you to know it again. (That phrase sounds confusing but it really does make sense.)
The Word, the Word, the Word. (I’ve purposefully written it three times.) According to this verse, the SENT and RECEIVED Word will accomplish these three specific things…
- BRING YOUR HEALING. The sent and received Word declares YOU to be cured/healed/made well because YOUR sicknesses and diseases are gone/kaput/history.
EasyEnglish Bible – “He sent his word to them and he made them well again. He rescued them from the deep hole of death.”
The Jerusalem Bible – “Sending his word and curing them, he snatched them from the Pit.” - CHANGE YOUR NEED FOR A FUNERAL HOME. The sent and received Word will change YOUR medical prognosis and renew your life. Heeding and acting on the Word will cause the term “stage four cancer” to be replaced with the words “totally, completely, 100% healed”. The funeral home will have to wait because the door to death has been closed!
Good News Translation – “He healed them with his command and saved them from the grave.”
International Children’s Bible – “God gave the command and healed them. So they were saved from dying.”
James Moffatt Translation – “He sent His word to heal them and preserve their life.”
Message Bible – “He spoke the word that healed you, that pulled you back from the brink of death.”
New Living Translation – “He spoke, and they were healed—snatched from the door of death.” - BRING DELIVERANCE AND FREEDOM. The sent and received Word will liberate YOU from entrapments and perils. Even you will be surprised because the foregone conclusion of your situation will have a different outcome!
Literal Translation Version – “He sent His Word and healed them; and delivered them from all their pitfalls.”
New English Translation – “He sent them an assuring word and healed them; he rescued them from the pits where they were trapped.”
The Holy Bible in Modern English (Fenton) – “He sent out His Word, and it healed, and from their corruptions it freed!”
One more time. The Word, the Word, the Word. Your answer is in the Word!
I receive this word as from God! My husband has been sick for many years. We have tried everything and so far nothing. We receive this word as being from the Great I Am. Thank you very much.
Gail, I am so thankful that you said that God is the Great I Am. From what I hear from time to time, God is the Great I Was or others claiming that He is the Great Maybe. Your declaration is so powerful and true.
Thank God for His Word. I have found that five times in the Bible, it states that God does not lie. He watches over His Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) So, Vickie and I join together with you and boldly echo Mary’s declaration, “Be it unto me (your husband) according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
Please keep me updated on the healing of your husband.