Ready for a crazy way of thinking?  I have this crazy idea that suggests that at times, reading God’s Word is like playing the Whack-A-Mole game. Come on, you know the game I am talking about, don’t you? Whack-A-Mole In my times of reading a scripture, a certain word will pop up in the verse and I’ve got to get ahold of it before it gets away.

This morning was one of those Whack-A-Mole times. I was reading this scripture.

“And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” Luke 24:49

The Whack-A-Mole word that popped up for my special attention was “until”. Immediately, I knew its significance. Jesus was telling His followers that nothing was changing until there was the fulfillment of a promise from His Father. In other words, it was a case of experiencing the same ol’ same’ ol’ same ol’ same ol’ UNTIL the Father would fulfill His promise. THEN and only THEN baby, it was gonna’ be different because of the enduement (clothing) of heaven’s power.

Jesus spoke this with full confidence because He Himself had experienced His own until moment. For some thirty years, everyone knew Jesus as the son of a local carpenter. In a crowd of men, there was nothing to distinguish Him from those around Him. He had never preached a sermon, uttered a beatitude, brought healing to the sick and infirmed, or ministered deliverance to those bound by Satan. He was just Jesus of Nazareth. But Jesus had His until moment when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him (Luke 3:21-23) and everything changed. Just a few verses later (Luke 4:1), we read that it was no longer the good ol’ boy from Nazareth. Instead, we read of Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost and being led by God’s Spirit. The until launched His earthly ministry.

Talking about an until moment, think about the great transformation that took place in the lives of those in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. The less-than-stellar, once fear-stricken, courage-lacking, following-from-afar disciples experienced the until moment spoken of by Jesus and were never the same again. The promised power (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8) was delivered (Acts 2:1-4) and caused them to boldly turn their world upside down. (Acts 17:6)

Need I spend the time to tell about the until moment experienced by Saul of Taursus? The once Jesus-hating, church-tormenting Saul had an encounter with the Holy Spirit (Acts 9) that caused him to later write what would become chapters in our present-day Bible about his relationship and dependency upon the Holy Spirit.

Let me close with this statement. For those who haven’t received this promise from the Father (Joel 2:23-29), your “until” can happen today. This promise of beginning a newfound relationship with the Holy Spirit can be yours by making a simple request to the Father. (Luke 11:13). If you have questions, please email me and I will gladly spend time with you. [email protected]