I found in my many years of writing these posts that most of the posts are written for anyone and everyone. But, then there are times when I sense that a post is written to a very specific individual facing a very daunting challenge. As I sat down at my computer, I believe that this is one of those specfic individual facing a specific challenge posts. If you’re that person, I have some exciting news for you. It’s found in nine of the recorded 218 words spoken in Peter’s message at Cornelius’ home.

“…I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” Acts 10:34

Other translations render it this way…
(Breakthrough Version) “…God is not someone who shows favoritism.”
(New Century Version) “…to God every person is the same.”
(New Life Version) “…God does not respect one person more than another.”

I believe the reason that the Holy Spirit urged me to share this post is found in this truth spoken by Peter – what God has done or is doing for one person, He will also do it for you. With God, there aren’t any favorites.

Here is something that you may or may not know about these nine words. If God placed this revelation in His Word just one time, I would be excited and celebrate because it came from God. Two times? Well, I’d consider this truth to be really important because God repeated Himself. (Get ready to be excited.) In reading through the scriptures, you will see that this isn’t in the Bible once or even twice, but, count them…a total of five times. (I forewarned you. This is a life-changing revelation.) This is a great indication that God doesn’t want me to miss this truth. In addition to the Acts 10:34 reference, you will see this again in…
Romans 2:11 “For there is no respect of persons with God.”
Ephesians 6:9 “…neither is there respect of persons with him.”
Colossians 3:25 “…and there is no respect of persons.”
1 Peter 1:17 “And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons…”

Let me close with this thought. The God who showed His immense, intense love and power as He brought about the salvations, healings, deliverances, restorations, provisions, protections, and so, so much more throughout the Bible is the very same God who desires to do the very same for you. As recorded in one of the great hymns of the church “what He’s done for others, He will do for you.” You aren’t exempt from His care. Know that nothing in your past or present has alienated or removed you being the apple of His eyes (Psalm 17:8). Be encouraged. You can rest assured that what you are experiencing is temporary because God is at work in your behalf.