This week, my challenge has been to memorize the following two scriptures.

“Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was
given thee by prophecy, with the laying on
of the hands of the presbytery.”
1 Timothy 4:14

“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance
that thou stir up the gift of God, which
is in thee by the putting on of my hands.”
2 Timothy 1:6

In this challenge, I find myself this week quoting these two scriptures shortly after I awaken in the morning, several times throughout the day, and then again just before I fall asleep. Believe me when I write that this memorization challenge isn’t for the sake of trying to impress those listening to my preaching and teaching. It is through these verses that I am finding an increase in my level of faith and expectation for the working of the Holy Spirit in and through me.

Pardon my simpleness as I ask you to first consider this. As I quote these verses, I am reminding myself that the hands of the presbytery and Paul are no different than the appendages at the end of my arms. In the aforementioned individuals, each hand had four fingers, a thumb, a palm, and five knuckles. After a close examination, I have found that I too have four fingers, a thumb, a palm, and five knuckles on each hand. (Please hold back your excitement as you read this amazing insight.)

Second, as I quote these verses, I am reminding myself that the Holy Spirit in these individuals also resides inside of me. The Holy Spirit that powerfully flowed through the hands laid upon Timothy is the same Holy Spirit desiring to flow through my hands.

Lastly, as I quote these verses, I am reminding myself that it was through their power-packed hands that Timothy received a powerful impartation from heaven. Through this ministry today, I too can expect the power-packed flow of an impartation of whatever is needed.

Let me encourage you to allow my challenge to become your challenge. Then, without exception, whether standing at an altar, teaching a Sunday school class, or walking through Walmart while dodging the falling prices, get ready for a greater expectation for the release of Holy Spirit power and supply as your four fingers, a thumb, a palm, and five knuckles on each hand are placed upon individuals as you minister. Know that ministry will NEVER be the same again.