Tell Them Your Story

Want to see a miracle? You’re looking at one right now. This blog post Tell Them Your Story is just five short paragraphs. Five paragraphs is a miracle? Yep. You see, I am so passionate about the subject the five paragraphs could have easily been five pages.  It...

Lay the Foundation

There is a popular t-shirt that I’ve seen numerous times since we have been back in Texas that says, “I wasn’t born in Texas but I got here as fast as I could.” Evidently, that is the truth. I read recently that some 350 to 400 people move from...

Qualified to Minister

Here’s just a quick question to ponder … if being filled with the Holy Spirit was one of the major prerequisites for qualifying individuals to minister in the New Testament church, how can we expect any less from those who minister and assist in the...

The Year of the Bigger

I will admit that this blog’s title is misleading. For some, it sent a chill down your spine for fear that I was advocating throwing dieting aside thus producing the need for a larger sized wardrobe. So, relax and go ahead and keep on munching on your no...