Having Trouble Hearing God’s Voice?

I read of an elderly man who thought that his wife was going deaf. To test her hearing, he walked across the room, turned his back to his wife and said, “Can you hear me?” There was no response. So, he moved a little closer to her and repeated the...

The Privilege of Intimacy

I recently came across something that has really impacted my life. Let me share with you a thought from the July 4th entry of Andrew Murray’s Daily Secrets of Christian Living …Have you ever thought what a wonderful privilege it is that everyone each day...

Que Será, Será

Recently, there was an event in the news that really caught America’s attention. While our national news is daily giving reports of companies downsizing, filing for chapter 11, and even shutting down, the news told of a company in Chicago, Republic Windows and Doors,...

Check Your Indicators

I have a confession … my brain is different than most people in that I can see something funny in almost any situation. This often got me into trouble in school as I would enjoy telling my classmates my funny insight. For the most part, I’ve since learned...

God’s Faithfulness

If you have ever attended any of our Ignite Conferences, you have heard me talk about how I love to circle important events and days on my calendar. This week one of those red letter days is occurring. On Saturday, Vickie and I will be attending our son...