Wisdom from the FAA

Leave it to the Federal Aviation Administration to reinforce a foundational principal for flowing in the supernatural. If you have ever flown in an airplane, you know that before the plane taxis down the runway for lift-off, a voice comes across the public-address...

Make Room for the Holy Spirit

It is amazing. During the last few years, the American clothing industry has secretly created a way to make billions of dollars by altering the way that they measure our clothes. Let it be known throughout the land, they are making their clothes smaller and smaller....

The "Realness" of the Holy Spirit

Each week, I wrestle with trying to contain the blog to approximately 350 words. I know that people will only read so many words and then want to move on to the next site. Admittedly, I fail 90% of the time. There is just so much that I want to share and too little...

Flowing with the Spirit

Here’s a no-brainer … the person who chooses to drive while constantly looking in the automobile’s rear view mirror is destined to become a casualty! Focusing entirely upon what is behind you will prevent you from seeing what lies ahead of you....