Just Before…

Just Before…

Here’s a bit of wisdom that I gained a million, billion years ago while I was still in Bible college. Amongst the many preparatory, ministry-equipping courses, I took a class that taught the art of preparing sermons and preaching. In this homiletics class, I...
Tilt and More Tilts

Tilt and More Tilts

Have you got three minutes? Let me share this note I recently wrote in the margin of my Bible. (You do know that it is both permissible and advisable to write insights in your Bible’s margins and also use a highlighter pen to emphasize the Holy Spirit “uh...
An Eye Opener!

An Eye Opener!

Honestly, I don’t know why I’ve never before noticed this eye-opener tucked in the twenty-fourth verse of the Acts 10 account of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius’ house. “On the following day he [and the others] entered...