Prepare for What God has Already Prepared for You!
by Billy Burns | May 5, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Revival
It’s time for me to stand, place my right hand upon the Bible, raise my left hand into the air, and tell the honest to goodness truth. Ready? Here goes. By and large, Christians are one weird group of people. I feel better now that I’ve made that...Exploring the Heavenlies
by Billy Burns | Apr 28, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Revival
This past week, Vickie and I took a couple days and went out of town for some much needed rest and relaxation. In doing so, we did something radical. We put aside being veteran Florida residents and joined the millions who come to Florida as tourists. You’d...Can Children Be Used of God?
by Billy Burns | Apr 21, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Revival
Several years ago, I had the privilege of being invited to speak to the children’s ministry leaders at Abba’s House in Chattanooga, Tennessee. After teaching the Saturday afternoon sessions, the nursery director approached me and told me the following...What is the Most Powerful Ministry in the Church? (Get Ready for a Surprise!)
by Billy Burns | Apr 14, 2014 | Children's Ministry, God's Promises, Leadership, Walk of the Spirit
I know that after reading the next sentence some of you will be persuaded that I have totally lost my mind, but I’ll share it anyways. Here goes … I believe that one of, if not the most important, powerful ministries in any church is the nursery ministry....