The Anthill Kicking Anointing
by Billy Burns | Sep 1, 2023 | New Testament Christianity, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
Anthill Kicking Anointing, Seriously? Yep. It’s in the Bible. For real? Double yep! You’ve never noticed it? I promise that it is there in plain sight as you read the four gospels and the Book of Acts In order to explain this Anthill Kicking Anointing, I need to...
What’s Happened to the Wonder?
by Billy Burns | Aug 24, 2023 | New Testament Christianity, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
In reading Luke’s account of the workings of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts, I often see the Holy Spirit’s actions causing people to wonder, marvel, and be amazed. For example, in writing of the miracle at the gate called Beautiful, Luke...
It Makes You Say “Hmmm”
by Billy Burns | Aug 17, 2023 | Divine Healing, God's Supernatural Power, Miracles, New Testament Christianity, The Holy Spirit
Lately, the Lord has really been dealing with my heart about what His Word has to say about the subject of divine healing. I’m not talking about just a little urge from the Lord here and there. I’m talking about a major stirring, the kind that wakes up a...
Meeting the Qualifications
by Billy Burns | Aug 9, 2023 | Children's Ministry, Children/Youth, God's Supernatural Power, Holy Spirit Filled Believers, Leadership, New Testament Christianity, Praying in Other Tongues, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
If you know anything at all about serving in the local church as a volunteer or even in a paid ministry position, you know that the days are long gone for individuals to pop into a classroom on a whim and join the ministry. Also, long gone are the days of seeing...