Healing is Ours TODAY
by Billy Burns | Jun 24, 2023 | Divine Healing, God's Promises, God's Supernatural Power, New Testament Christianity
For the past several weeks, I have had an unshakable stirring in my spirit concerning what God’s Word has to say about divine healing. I know that I can’t be alone in sensing this prompting. The need for believers to obtain what has been appropriated by...
The Bible Way
by Billy Burns | Jun 17, 2023 | God's Supernatural Power, Holy Spirit Filled Believers, Holy Spirit Rallies, New Testament Christianity, Praying in Other Tongues, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit
Some time ago, I heard about a pastor from a denominational church who while on his vacation visited a church that was hosting something similar to one of our Holy Spirit Rallies. After hearing the message about the power of the Holy Spirit and seeing Him demonstrate...
Charged and Ready
by Billy Burns | Jun 10, 2023 | Praying in Other Tongues, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
Last night, it happened again. I am almost embarrassed to admit this mistake. Remember, I am only human. I pray that this confession won’t cause you to take me off of the high and lofty pedestal on which you have placed me. (That’s just a joke, folks!)...
A Miracle!
by Billy Burns | Jun 2, 2023 | God's Supernatural Power, Holy Spirit Filled Believers, New Testament Christianity, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
Ready to see a miracle? A miracle? Yep. In less than two hundred words, I’ll summarize last Sunday’s message that took many, many words to share. I’ve got my word counter turned on. So here I go. One of my all-time favorite scriptures is…...