The Great Multitasker
by Billy Burns | Apr 14, 2023 | The Holy Spirit
Here is a truth that might be a reminder for some readers and a new revelation for others. Get out your pen because you are going to want to write this in the margin of your Bible. Here it is. The Holy Spirit is a multitasker. I might even go so far as to call Him the...
Nostalgic Me
by Billy Burns | Apr 7, 2023 | The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit
Hopefully, I am not the only person who does this. This morning, I woke up with a song on my mind. Do you ever do this? For me, once a song gets “stuck” in my brain, I know that I will find myself singing it or at least thinking about it throughout the...
Get It Here!
by Billy Burns | Mar 31, 2023 | Testimonies, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
The name Thomas Ball Barratt will probably be unknown to many of this blog’s readership. I too had never heard of this Norwegian Methodist minister until I came across his testimony in Lester Sumrall’s Pioneers of Faith. Shortly after reading about his...
Power Nuggets!
by Billy Burns | Mar 24, 2023 | Walk of the Spirit
Here’s a scenario with which you can probably identify. Over the years, I have read so, so, so many wonderful, powerful books. And, probably like you, much of what I read usually fades into nothingness (is that really a word?) within days after reading a book....