Eliminating the Roadblocks of Revival

Let me set the scene of how many children’s workers abandon their pursuit of revival. You’ve heard the word of the Lord and are convinced that God wants to pour out His Spirit upon your children’s ministry. You’ve prayed and even fasted for...

Spurgeon’s Prayer for Revival

I recently came across this prayer which concluded the sermon The Pentecostal Wind and Fire preached by the preacher’s preacher, Charles Spurgeon, on September 18, 1881. This prayer summarizes my passion and desire.”May God send us a season of glorious...

Today is the Day of the Holy Spirit!

People responding to the salvation altar call Sunday morning at El Pacto in Bogota, Colombia  I’m tired … or beyond tired … I’m exhausted. A few hours ago, Vickie and I got back home from our first South America Ignite the Supernatural...

Supernatural Tour Guides

If you’ve ever been in one of our Ignite conferences, you’ve heard me tell about a trip that Vickie and I made to Romania. Let me set the scene for this trip. This trip was pre-9/11. The traveling rules were quite different. We were allowed 3 bags each...