Seal the Deal

It is important to remind ourselves that we have an unfair disadvantage when it comes to ministering to children. Throughout the week, the children are under the influence of the school, the media (television, movies, DVDs, radio, etc.), the internet (email, social...

2 AM Wake Up Calls!

What is it about 2 AM? For the past week, I have been awakened at this unthinkable time of the night with a stirring and prompting to just be still (what else am I to do at 2 AM) and quiet (as though I’d have a desire to awaken Vickie and ask her to play a game...

Are Your Kids "Already Gone"?

I’m in the process of reading Ken Ham and Britt Beemer’s book Already Gone. For years, I’ve shared the statistics showing some 70% to 80% percent of our youth abanding the church after high school graduation. But, Already Gone gives some fresh...

Got Any Dice?

In reading through the Book of Acts again this week, I noticed this interesting fact that applies to all of us in the children’s ministry.In Acts 1, the upper room was filled with so many great people, many of whom had actually walked daily with Jesus. As per...