Knowing In Your Knower

If you’ve been in any of our Ignite the Supernatural Conferences, you have probably heard me tell of my high school Sunday school teacher, Treva Evans. She was a tremendous lady. I love to jokingly tell of her having false teeth and how that back then the...

Hide and Go Seek!

Joey, Billy, Gavin, and Vickie Recently, Vickie and I went up to Lakeland, Florida for a couple of days so that we could join in on the birthday celebration of our youngest grandson, Gavin. It’s difficult to believe that he has already turned 2-years-old. He is...

An INCREDIBLE Teaching Tool

I found it. I Found it. I FOund it. I FOUnd it. I FOUNd it. I FOUND it. I FOUND It. I FOUND IT. What? One of the greatest tools to help make your teaching come alive. A couple of months ago, I attended a Royal Ranger Pow Wow (an Assemblies of God district-wide boys...

A Case of Stinking Thinking

I am constantly amazed as I watch many children’s ministry leaders and workers standing in front of children. You can tell by the way that they talk and act that an emergency medical unit would be needed if anything supernatural actually, or better yet,...