The “Secret” of How I Minister
by Billy Burns | Apr 20, 2015 | Children's Ministry, Revival, Walk of the Spirit
Let me let you in on the inside scoop for my ministry preparation. Ready? First, do yourself a favor and be seated. I can’t assume responsibility if the following knocks you off of your feet. So, one more time, please have a seat. Are you really ready?...It Happened at 3:30 AM!
by Billy Burns | Apr 13, 2015 | God's Promises, Leadership, Revival, Vision, Walk of the Spirit
Here’s an honest to goodness confession. I messed up. I know that it’s difficult to believe. There are those who believe that I am so perfect that when I step into the shower and accidentally raise my hands that the waters part thus making it difficult for...Demonstrate the Gospel
by Billy Burns | Apr 6, 2015 | God's Promises, Revival, Walk of the Spirit
I absolutely love reading the writings of those who impacted generations by being trailblazers for moves of God. I was recently reading a yellowed-by-age, dog-eared paged book in my library The Phenomena of Pentecost. Though this book was published in 1931, the...