Lose Your Mumble!
by Billy Burns | Apr 22, 2022 | Praying in Other Tongues, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
This is hot off of the press. Earlier this morning, I had this revelation. Actually, I was lying asleep in bed when I heard the words “being baptized in the Holy Spirit will take the mumble out of your voice”. I’ll admit, when I heard those words,...
A Move of the Spirit for THIS Generation
by Billy Burns | Apr 19, 2022 | Holy Spirit Filled Believers, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
While walking one morning last week, I listened to a teaching by Kenneth E. Hagin in which he shared the following statement: “There is a move of the Spirit that will be lost to this generation unless you teach them.” Let me briefly share the significance...
My Passion
by Billy Burns | Apr 9, 2022 | Holy Spirit Rallies, Ignite & Unite Conferences
If you have attended any of our Holy Spirit Rallies or Ignite & Unite Conferences, you will find that I preach and teach solely on one subject, the Holy Spirit. When pastors call to ask us to minister at their church and ask about what I minister on, I usually...