by Billy Burns | Oct 22, 2022 | New Testament Christianity, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
Recently, when Hurricane Ian threatened and then blasted through Florida, Vickie and I found ourselves without electricity for two days. Because of Ian, we were like the proverbial atheist when he died. We were all dressed up and had no place to go. (I know that you...
The Full-Service Holy Spirit
by Billy Burns | Oct 13, 2022 | The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
Back when I was a child in 1492 (that’s no typo because at times it feels as though I am really that old), things were so different. Now, don’t go rolling your eyes in judgment because our world has changed radically in your lifetime too. I could do pages...
Must-Have Resources
by Billy Burns | Oct 7, 2022 | God's Supernatural Power, Revival, Testimonies, The Holy Spirit
If you follow me on either my personal Facebook page (www.facebook.com/iambillyburns) and/or the Billy Burns Ministries page (www.facebook.com/billyburnsministries), you will often see me mention a just-published blog post and, in its promotion, the words...
O Lord, Send the Pow’r Just Now
by Billy Burns | Oct 1, 2022 | God's Supernatural Power, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit
I know that my blog’s readership is all over the demographic charts. Each week, it is read by people not only in the United States but also in other countries, young Holy Spirit lovers as well as, how can I kindly put this, not as young Holy Spirit lovers, and...