by Billy Burns | Feb 7, 2025 | Holy Spirit Rallies, Ignite & Unite Conferences, The Holy Spirit
Can I share with you a deep, dark personal dislike, something that would never become a part of my version of The Sound of Music’s famous “My Favorite Things” song? (For you youngsters, here’s a link to this wonderful, unforgettable song.) The...
by Billy Burns | Feb 8, 2023 | Children's Ministry, Children/Youth, Family, God's Supernatural Power, Ignite & Unite Conferences, The Holy Spirit
The following isn’t a mistake. I am purposefully typing the next sentence in all capital letters to give the needed emphasis. GOD WANTS OUR CHILDREN TO BE SAVED, FILLED WITH HIS SPIRIT, AND PACKED WITH HEAVEN’S POWER. If you have read “Power-Packed...
by Billy Burns | Jan 13, 2023 | Holy Spirit Rallies, Ignite & Unite Conferences, New Testament Christianity
If you have followed our ministry for any period of time, you have either heard me say or read in a blog post the words “TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost.” No matter how many times the sentence has been said or written, it causes an enormous excitement...
by Billy Burns | Apr 9, 2022 | Holy Spirit Rallies, Ignite & Unite Conferences
If you have attended any of our Holy Spirit Rallies or Ignite & Unite Conferences, you will find that I preach and teach solely on one subject, the Holy Spirit. When pastors call to ask us to minister at their church and ask about what I minister on, I usually...
by Billy Burns | Oct 14, 2021 | Children's Ministry, Children/Youth, God's Supernatural Power, Holy Spirit Filled Believers, Holy Spirit Rallies, Ignite & Unite Conferences, The Holy Spirit
Many of you know that my dad passed away a couple of months ago. Since then, life has been a blur. And, I’m not talking about a little blur. I’m talking about a Texas-size, humongous blur! Planning for Dad’s funeral, moving all of his belongings to...
by Billy Burns | May 10, 2021 | Children/Youth, God's Supernatural Power, Ignite & Unite Conferences, Leadership, The Holy Spirit
When Vickie and I left being the Children’s Pastors of an incredible church in South Florida, we stepped into a new assignment, one that is to work together with the Holy Spirit for this generation. Many of you know that as traveling evangelists, we now have the...