BBM – Leading a Holy Spirit Renewal
by Billy Burns | Feb 6, 2017 | Revival
I can’t believe it. I just looked at my blog’s history and discovered that I have consistently published a post 52 weeks a year for just over 9 1/2 years. I honestly don’t know of any blogger on the web that has published a weekly blog post for this...2017 – The Year of the ALL!
by Billy Burns | Dec 5, 2016 | Children's Ministry, God's Promises, Revival
God spoke through the prophet Joel promising that He would pour out His Spirit upon ALL flesh. We read in Acts 2 that in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, the ALL is seen again. The 120 were ALL in one place and one accord. The sound of the rushing mighty wind...Dr. Burns is in the House!
by Billy Burns | Nov 14, 2016 | Revival, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
One of the few benefits of our medical insurance is that it provides us a “free” annual examination. I put the word free in quotation marks as a way of being sarcastic. In order to get the “free” thorough, head-to-toe examination, we have to...An Open Letter to Pastors
by Billy Burns | Oct 17, 2016 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Revival, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
This is a letter that I have mulled over and over again in my spirit for some time. To me, its contents are so, so needed. I would ask that you do your church a huge favor and copy, paste, and then print this brief letter for your pastor. And, you might consider...Celebrate With Us!
by Billy Burns | Jul 13, 2016 | Family, Revival
Two years ago today, July 13, 2014, Vickie and I stepped out by faith to obey the call of God to be a part of launching a move of God’s Spirit across our land and around the world. It was our final day of being the children’s pastors at Trinity Church...