Nostalgic Me

Nostalgic Me

Hopefully, I am not the only person who does this. This morning, I woke up with a song on my mind. Do you ever do this? For me, once a song gets “stuck” in my brain, I know that I will find myself singing it or at least thinking about it throughout the...
Get It Here!

Get It Here!

The name Thomas Ball Barratt will probably be unknown to many of this blog’s readership. I too had never heard of this Norwegian Methodist minister until I came across his testimony in Lester Sumrall’s Pioneers of Faith. Shortly after reading about his...
A TODAY Holy Spirit

A TODAY Holy Spirit

Today, while going through some books on my bookshelves, I rediscovered J.B. Phillips’ The Young Church in Action. This book, published in 1955, is Phillips’ translation of the Book of Acts which was to be included later in his New Testament in Modern English. I...