It ALL Begins TODAY!

I tend to forget that just because I have read each and every one of the blog posts for the last ten plus years (well over 550 posts) and personally attended each and every service that I have preached and workshop that I have taught, I am the ONLY one in the whole...

Supernatural Enablement!

I often find my blog posts being some 400 to 500 words in length. For some subjects, it just takes a bunch of words to express what is in my heart. But, this blog will be super, super (I could add a few supers to make it longer) short. Why? Because I don’t need...

Do Miracles Still Happen?

While preaching this past Sunday in one of our Holy Spirit Rallies, I shared that the greater works that Jesus promised (John 14:12) are made possible because “I go to my Father”. In other words, Jesus’ return to heaven and the ensuing sending of the...