by Billy Burns | May 5, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Revival
It’s time for me to stand, place my right hand upon the Bible, raise my left hand into the air, and tell the honest to goodness truth. Ready? Here goes. By and large, Christians are one weird group of people. I feel better now that I’ve made that...
by Billy Burns | Apr 21, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Revival
Several years ago, I had the privilege of being invited to speak to the children’s ministry leaders at Abba’s House in Chattanooga, Tennessee. After teaching the Saturday afternoon sessions, the nursery director approached me and told me the following...
by Billy Burns | Apr 14, 2014 | Children's Ministry, God's Promises, Leadership, Walk of the Spirit
I know that after reading the next sentence some of you will be persuaded that I have totally lost my mind, but I’ll share it anyways. Here goes … I believe that one of, if not the most important, powerful ministries in any church is the nursery ministry....
by Billy Burns | Mar 24, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Walk of the Spirit
Several years ago, we were blessed to have the author of The God Chasers book, Reverend Tommy Tenney, as the keynote speaker of our national Ignite the Supernatural Conference. In an attempt to help reduce the expenses for the travel and accommodations, I asked a...
by Billy Burns | Mar 10, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership
This past weekend, we took our Junior Bible Quiz teams up to central Florida for the season-ending district finals. We actually left a day early so that we could reward the teams by taking them to an indoor theme park in Orlando. At the end of the time at the park, we...
by Billy Burns | Feb 24, 2014 | Children's Ministry, Leadership, Vision, Walk of the Spirit
Many years ago, our girl’s ministry took on a project of cleaning the home of an elderly lady in our church. Upon arriving at her home, our suspicions were confirmed. The lady was a kleptomaniac and a horrific hoarder. Not only did Vickie and the girls find...